March 13, 2011

Fuchsia inventory

   From Kista Mässan yesterday I got not only nice fuchsia pictures but also some starter plants. 10 different varieties all new to me. I spent all afternoon planting them in pots and realized that I don't have an inventory of my fuchsia collection. Although there are less fuchsia varieties in my collection than in dahlia or hosta collections but still they all have to be taken care of and properly listed in my Filemaker database. Since last year I successfully managed to overwinter a basket with 3 fuchsia varieties. Then I got 3 more fuchsias from Björn as a present for the Women's day on March 8th. And 10 more varieties yesterday.

Annabel Stubbs Beauty Of Meise Bella Rozella Deep Purple English rose
Ice Maiden Ijzerwinning Natasha Sinton Naughty Nicole Nightingale
Pink Marshmallow Rocket Fire Rohees Prins Satellite Swingtime
Fuchsia pictures are borrowed from Wibrant Trädgård Rockdala

   Almost forgot to mention one more fuchsia that I got from Björn. It's called Fuchsia procumbens or Creeping fuchsia. I never heard about it before and it was interesting find out that it's native to North Island of New Zealand and is hardy to -6°C. It has a nice trailing habit and very exotic looking flowers. I'm looking forward to see how it will grow for me.
Picture borrowed from UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research

   С садовой выставки, на которую мы вчера ходили, я принесла не только фотографии фуксий, но и укорененные черенки 10-ти разных сортов. Рассаживая их по горшкам, я подумала, что надо бы провести инвентаризацию моей небольшой коллекции фуксий. И хотя их у меня не так много как георгин или хост, фуксии тоже должны быть внесены в базу данных. С прошлого года мне удалось сохранить три сорта, еще три я получила в подарок от Бьёрна на 8-е марта, и вот теперь еще десяток добавился.
   Из подаренных Бьёрном фуксий одна оказалась совершенно необычной. Это Fuchsia procumbens или Фуксия лежачая. Родом с острова Северный в Новой Зеландии эта фуксия довольно морозостойка, до -6°C. Растение хорошо подходит для подвесных корзин, т.к. обладает длинными висячими побегами. Цветки совсем не похожи на цветки гибридных фуксий. С нетерпением жду теперь, как она будет расти у меня летом.


Wife, Mother, Gardener said...

Great post on fushias... I have just started over-wintering them myself. I have grow lights this year to try to get them a little bushier sooner.

Pretty blog... found it on Blotanical.


Olga said...

Thanks Julie!
I got my overwintered fuchsias out of the winter storage couple of weeks ago and keep them on the window sill. Since then they grew enough to let me take some cuttings.

Masha said...

These fuchsias are amazing! I envy you - they don't like it here. I love love love Naughty Nicole and hope you will post some more pictures of it. I will look out for them.

Olga said...

Thank you Masha! I'm looking forward to see them blooming, so far most of them are small plants but growing well and waiting for warmer days...

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